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Blog 2 – Why We Should Be Proud

This blog aims to help you remember and take pride in how important your roles are in Early Years!

It is a very under valued industry, with many people not understanding the hard work that goes into it. I hope one day, by educating those people, this will change and lead to Early years professionals getting the recognition and pay they so rightfully deserve.

The early years form the foundation upon which a child’s entire future is built.

These crucial years, typically spanning from birth to the age of five, play an unparalleled role in shaping a child’s cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development. It is imperative to recognize and honour the profound impact these formative years have on a child’s growth.

Astonishingly, a child’s brain is nearly fully developed, at 90% by the age of five. This fact alone underscores the extraordinary sensitivity and receptivity of young minds during these early stages.

Every interaction, experience, and environment a child encounters leaves an indelible mark on their neural pathways, influencing their learning capacity, problem-solving skills, and emotional resilience. This period lays the groundwork for a child’s ability to process information, make connections, and adapt to the world around them.

Positive experiences throughout childhood help to build healthy brains, while experiencing childhood trauma and abuse can harm a child’s brain development and have long lasting effects.

The roles played by parents, caregivers, and practitioners during these years are immeasurable. Their guidance, support, and provision of enriching experiences can either unlock a child’s boundless potential or inadvertently hinder their growth. The responsibility is not merely to supervise, but to engage, stimulate, and foster a nurturing environment that nurtures curiosity and exploration.

As champions of early years provision, we stand at the forefront of shaping the next generation, armed with the knowledge that these years are precious, fleeting, and immensely powerful. This is something to be incredibly proud of!

This is such an important topic to discuss and talk about, discussing how we can provide these wonderful experiences to support brain development.

I will be hosting a live webinar to talk about this and enable networking between other professionals! Keep your eyes peeled for this on our website.

I hope to see you there,

Jessie x

It’s a beautiful thing when a career and passion come together”

Quote of The Month